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NPM versus Yarn - the epic fight for speed in Continuous Integration

A few days ago, a new tool came from the Facebook team: Yarn package manager. The results published on the official Yarn web page are fantastic. I’m using local NPM registry, so some of the NPM pro...

Ghost blog with SSL on azure - the correct way

My blog is hosted on Azure Web Pages. A few months ago I decided to use SSL on it because I can get a free SSL certificate from “Let’s Encrypt” website. Change URL in config Simple change URL in c...

Share post on Facebook gives 404

A few days ago, I tried to share my own post on Facebook. But instead of post miniature, I ended up with 404 - Page not found. Exactly like bellow: Quick fix A quick fix was simple: I added a qu...

Project.json made my life easier and it is not a joke

Project.json is a celeb in .NET world. But its status is rather “famous for being famous”, instead of usefulness. Probably you heard some time ago that it will replace csproj and a few months later...

Don't send THIS email

Can you imagine a day without an email? To be exactly without XX emails. Or even XXX emails if something is wrong. Some teams moved from email to slack, hipchat or [put your stuff here]. But do we ...

Did you PLAN this?

In computer industry planning is important. Well, everybody says that planning is important, I know of only two types of planning functionalities: ASAP - As Soon As Possible ASAP - After Sept...

1 unbelievable trick to create an easy to consume API in .NET

Creating a service for unknown technology is usually painful. Sorry, “service” is an unpopular world, nowadays we call it an API. For a few years, everybody says: let’s create some REST service. C...

How to enhance debugging in Visual Studio with just one simple step

During the debugging session, I always had problems with complex structures. Preview most interesting properties were irritating, we need to expand a variable. In most cases, I tried to override To...

How to split monolith solution - part 3 - compilation tiers

In the previous article I used a term “compilation tiers”, but I didn’t define it. But before the definition, I have to describe all the possibilities of the split. To make it easier let’s assume t...

How to split monolith solution - part 2 - find the seams

In the first part How to split monolith solution - part 1: common myths I wrote about common myths. In this post I will try to find the “seams” to cut, using the Visual Studio and the ReSharper. Le...