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Search through archives using C#

I had a small problem, I need to grep IIS logs and search for few lines. There was only one problem - the size of logs. A few gigabytes of compressed data with 15% compress ratio. The interesting s...

Ubuntu .NET developer - possibile or not? - part 1 - Hyper-V

A long time ago when I was a student I was using Linux side by side with Windows. Dual boot was standard, and I cursed myself many times, just because I launched a wrong operating system. My profes...

VS 2017 + new csproj = useful or useless?

Here we go again. New Visual Studio, new NET Core tools. This post is the second one about new Visual Studio 2017. Last week I wrote about Common code style in Visual Studio 2017. The question for ...

Common code style in Visual Studio 2017

You open a file, change one line, press save and the file has changed its structure. But you add only a simple comma, variable or if. How could this happen to me again? IDE vs style vs developers ...

Do I need a lawyer to develop software?

Do I need a lawyer to develop software? Sounds like a stupid question. Can I guess your first through? Mine would be: Are you serious? I’m a software developer, I don’t need a lawyer. Today, w...

Do you want to fire 34 people?

The day has come. With your team, you finished a project. Few months have passed. Not so big, not so small. Just typical, like few before and few next. The business partners even create a party wit...

Time tracking - seriously?

A few days ago I read a beautiful comment: The man without time tracking doesn’t know what he did. What is the first thing to do after holidays? Fill time tracking. Did you have same feel...

Piotr Stapp in 2016

I have been busy in 2016. I did a lot for a community, my job and myself also. Moreover, I didn’t realize what I achieved until today. Speaking Last year I was speaking on: 1 grand finale of ...

TOP in 2016 - some stats

Today some stats about my blog in 2016. Audience overview Just three numbers: 34380 users 43856 sessions 58357 pageviews I’m really amazed. Posts - Top 5 Clean code - regular expres...

First never follows

In last few years, there is a fashion, especially in IT companies. A lot of managers create a catchphrase like: We are the Twitter of telecommunication or We want to be the Uber of banking ...