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How to split monolith solution - part 1: common myths

Do you have a big and heavy solution? Do you want to split it? Are you afraid? I will try to help. Be for we start we should answer a few questions. Why should I split? Before I show how to split...

HSTS error in Google Chrome

Sometimes, specially after using Fiddler, my Google Chrome shows me HSTS error like below: localhost normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to lo...

sudo !! - run last command in elevated PowerShell prompt

Last week I have a lot of fun with docker on windows, but I have one small problem. I usually run PowerShell in standard mode, without admin rights. And from time to time I want to restart service,...

Docker: Windows containers on Windows host - step by step

For more than one year Windows developers can hear about Docker stuff. But after few sentences how docker is great there is one important sentence: Nowadays we can run only docker containers on...

Make you code editor a little more bloody

Your Integrated Development Environment(IDE) is Your main tool. Anything that can make it better is worth of trying :) Nowadays we are using usually more than one IDE. For example Visual Studio for...

Craft Conf is for crafters (2016)

This year I was attempting Craft Conf for the first time. A lot of people told me that it is the awesome conference. So I was expecting a lot. Especially that “craf is for crafters”. How was it thi...

Windows WiFi card and huge spikes

The problem In my local network, I had huge network spikes on my laptop. Ping to my router were like: Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=64 Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=...

How to setup Bash and Ubuntu on Windows - step by step guide

Running Ubuntu apps on Windows is now a piece of cake. We just need to setup Ubuntu (with Bash) on Windows using Insider Preview Build in few simple steps. Became Windows Insider If you aren’t a W...

Slides from Get.NET

Abstract DevOps is a buzz word for last few years. It associate with other buzz words like: cloud, agile, fast deployment. Moreover in DevOps stuff we usually talk about Linux tools. But is it pos...

Top news from Build 2016 - my private ranking

Build 2016 just ended. I wasn’t lucky to watch it live. Fortunately live streaming, twitter, and news were available. There were a lot of sessions and news. I decided to present my favorites. Bash...