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I'll be watching you - Monitoring is everything

Imagine Imagine a perfect world, with your perfect system, when everything goes fine. And fine. More fine […] And then suddenly you have a call from your boss/client/colleague: Why our button ...

Fighting with corporate proxy and modern tools like git, npm, bower (SSL problems)

IT Security and safety world Sometimes in big companies the goal of the IT Security department is to make environment more safe. Due to this security lockdown, a lot of modern development tools st...

Presentation tip

For today quote by Winston S. Churchill A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest. So go ahead and do your work. There ...

Most important question on your next JavaScript framework

JavaScipt and frameworks Not so long time ago we have JavaScript and new nice libraries (they are usually called frameworks) like: jQuery, MooTools, YUI. Moreover not so long time ago everybody was...

Slides and survey - Dev@ldz

Slides: http://mbankdevops.azurewebsites.net Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XFJ2BFX

Slides and survey from #bstoknet

Vagrant with windows Slides: http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/vagrantwithwindows/ Survey: http://j.mp/vagrantWithWindows Sources: https://github.com/ptrstpp950/vagrantDemoWin2012 PowerIs...

Is User-Agent mobile, desktop or maybe TV?

When we design new layout, we need to find out what kind of users are using our website. The easies way is to parse User Agent string, but it isn’t easy. Just look on following links: http://...

Get Firebug logs from Selenium tests

The problem Selenium test are difficult to debug, especially when they are run on CI server. To diagnose why a test failed, sometimes we need something more than a simple screenshot. In my opinion...

Web design in Photoshop - completely BAD idea

Photoshop and web designers As long as I remember web designers created web layout in Photoshop. When layout was ready “the slicer” (a some between designer and coder) take this “perfect” layout an...