Home Speaking


I pretend to be an IT speaker and I really like it. In my opinion sharing knowledge is the best thing that every developer should do. The easiest way is to speak loud :)

My goal is to share my knowledge and experience in building stuff. From time to time sharing crap to make sure that someone will learn from my mistakes.

Invitation to talk

If I sound like an interesting person and you would like to invite me for a talk, then feel free to email me and I would love to attend.

Upcoming events

  1. DevConf x 3

Previous events

  1. Chmura jak alkohol - 2018-05-26 - Rzemiosło IT
  2. Ciemna strona krypto-walut - 2018-05-25 - rg-dev
  3. Chmura jak alkohol - 2018-05-23 - Infoshare with Łukasz Dziekan
  4. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2018-05-15 - Akademia j-labs
  5. Magic tricks of Azure Key Vault - 2018-04-26 - Microsoft Tech Summit Warsaw
  6. Od juniora do seniora czyli tam i z powrotem - 2018-04-17 -Śląska Grupa Microsoft
  7. Od juniora do seniora czyli tam i z powrotem - 2018-02-01 -Software Craftsmanship Wrocław
  8. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-12-05 -Code Europe in Kraków
  9. Chmura jak alkohol, wyciąga to co najlepsze I najgorsze w Twoim zespole - 2017-12-05 - Public Cloud User Group with Łukasz Dziekan
  10. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-12-07 -Code Europe in Warszawa
  11. CCC conitinous, cloud, configuration - 2017-12-07 - Code Europe in Warszawa
  12. Cyfrowa platforma kredytowa – PROSTA – dla banków i klientów - 2017-11-21 - IT@Bank with Łukasz Dziekan
  13. CCC conitinous, cloud, configuration - 2017-09-19 - 4developers Gdańsk
  14. Od juniora do seniora czyli tam i z powrotem - 2017-05-27 -Rzemiosło IT
  15. Power(i)SHell - PowerShell 4 dev - 2017-05-26 -Rzeszowska Grupa Dev rg-dev
  16. HTTP/2 na ratunek wydajności - 2017-05-18 - Infoshare - Video
  17. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-04-27 -Rzeszowska Grupa Dev rg-dev
  18. “Czwartek z .NET” (Thursday with .NET) in Channel 9 - 2017-04-06 - Channel 9
  19. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-04-03 - 4developers
  20. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-02-08 WG.NET
  21. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2017-02-07 WarsawJS - Video
  22. Myth busters - HTTP/2 and web performance - 2016-11-30 Dev@Ldz
  23. Pogromcy mitów HTTP/2 i wydajność stron WWW - 2016-11-05 DotNetConf - Video
  24. Wydajność webowa - jak to ugryźć? - 2016-10-18 Dev@ZG
  25. Is DevOps in banking possible? - 2016-10-14 High Load Strategy
  26. Czy DevOps w bankowości jest możliwy? - 2016-09-09 BBQ4IT
  27. Czy DevOps w bankowości jest możliwy? - 2016-09-08 IT Career Summit
  28. Czy DevOps w bankowości jest możliwy? - 2016-07-21 SysOps / DevOps Polska MeetUp - Video
  29. Czy DevOps w bankowości jest możliwy? Czyli słów kilka o wdrażaniu oprogramowania - 2016-06-18 Daj się poznać
  30. Czy DevOps w bankowości jest możliwy? - 2016-05-19 IT w bankowości
  31. Is DevOps in banking possible? - 2016-04-14 Get.NET in Łódź
  32. PowerIsHell – czyli PowerShell dla dewelopera - 2015-10-17 Kariera IT
  33. Jak dojrzewał DevOps w mBanku - teoria i praktyka :) - 2015-09-30 Dev@LDZ
  34. Unit tests workshop in .NET - 2015-05-30 DevWarsztaty
  35. DevOps in mBank - lesson learned - 2015-05-18 Atmosphere conference - Video
  36. DevOps in mBank - lesson learned - 2015-04-20 4developers - Video 1.Vagrant with Windows - 2015-10-31 dotNetConfPL - Video
  37. Vagrant with Windows - 2015-09-23 Białostocka Grupa .NET
  38. Power(I)Shell - Powershell for developers - 2015-09-23 Białostocka Grupa .NET
  39. Vagrant with Windows - 2015-06-11 Warszawska grupa .NET
  40. Power(I)Shell - czyli krótki snack o powershell dla developera - 2015-04-16 Warszawska grupa .NET - Video
  41. Cook your Vagrant - 2014-04-26 Warsjava
  42. about.mbank - 2014-09-16 Wrocławska Grupa .NET - Video
  43. Cook your Vagrant - 2014-04-26 Warsjava
  44. about.mbank - 2014-02-27 Warszawska grupa .NET

Slides from previous events

In random order:

  1. PowerIShell - Powershell for developers - some useful tips&trick in PowerShell for not only developers :) http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/powerishell/
  2. Myth busters: HTTP/2 and web performance - https://stapp.space/content/images/slides/http2andwebperf
  3. OctopusDeploy from Zero to Hero OctopusDeploy workshop with ASP.NET and EntityFramework https://stapp.space/content/images/slides/octopusdeploy-workshop/
  4. Is DevOps in banking possible? DevOps is a buzz word for last few years. It associates with other buzz words like cloud, agile, fast deployment. Moreover, in DevOps stuff, we usually talk about Linux tools. But is it possible to have DevOps in a company like the bank? Can we do all fancy stuff on Windows? Is bank really something different than Google or Facebook? http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/devopsinbanking/#/title
  5. Vagrant with Windows, czyli włóczęga z oknami How to use Vagrant in Windows environment for Windows boxes http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/vagrantwithwindows/
  6. Cook your vagrant - 4-5 hours workshop about Vagrant with bash and chef-solo http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/cookyourvagrant/
  7. about.mbank - the unique stuff mBank team did in rewriting mBank access channels http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/about.mbank/
  8. Logon Workshop - step by step guide how to refactor your code to introduce Unit tests http://stapp.space/content/images/slides/logonWorkshopSlides
  9. DevOps in mBank - lesson learned http://mbankdevops.azurewebsites.net/#/
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.